
Lt Gen Vinod Khandare was Military Advisor in the National Security Council Secretariat under the Prime Minister’s Office (2018-2021). He was Director General, Defense Intelligence Agency and Deputy Chief, Integrated Defence Staff for Intelligence (2015-2018). Lt Gen Khandare served in the Indian Army for nearly four decades. Serving in Infantry, he excelled in challenging terrain, sectors, operational roles in Siachen, Jammu and Kashmir, Sikkim and North East region. For his exemplary service and commitment, Lt Gen Khandare has been awarded the Sena Medal, Ati Vishisht Seva Medal, Chief of Army Staff Commendation Card and the Param Vishisht Seva Medal.

5-Days Certificate Programme on Strategic Negotiations - Batch-I (August 2024)
0 Lesson
20 hours
All Levels
Regi. Starts:
06 Aug, 2024
Regi. Ends:
31 Aug, 2024
Course Starts:
31 Aug, 2024
No Semester Program Founds.
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